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Quick check
First verification
The total site consumption is greater than 100 MWh/y
At least 15%% of electric drives are 8 years old or older
General details
Rate of the electricity on your site
In CHF / kWh
Yearly electric consumption on the whole site
In MWh / year
Yearly electricity costs for the site
In CHF / year
Activity sector
Chemistry, pharma and oil
Fine equipment manufacturing
Food industry
Metallurgy and metal products
Minerals (cement, glass, ceramics)
Other industries
Paper and printing industry
Service building (hospital, administration, etc.)
Tabacco industry
Wood and furnitures
WWTPs, pumping stations, MWIPs
State of the installations
Installations made before 2005
In percent
Installations made between 2005 and 2015
In percent
Installations made after 2016
In percent
Composition of the site
Only equipments with a power greater than 10 kW.
Ventilation monoblocs
Only equipments with a flow greater than 10'000 m3/h.
Pump stations
Only equipments with a power greater than 20 kW.
Circulating pump groups
Only equipments with a power greater than 10 kW.
Compressed air systems
Only equipments with a power greater than 25 kW.
Boiler rooms
Only equipments with a power greater than 10 kW.
Cooling systems
Only equipments with a power greater than 30 kW.
Other electric drives
Only equipments with a power greater than 10 kW.
Are there any other large current consumers (oven, lighting, etc.) representing together more than 50%% of the site's yearly electrical consumption?
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I got it